Monday, July 14, 2008

I’m so proud of Hubby and I, we are doing so well at eating at home lately. This weekend it was tempting to either go out or run to the store for a few things but Hubby reminded me that we should eat from the pantry/freezer and we did. Tonight we have eye doctor appointments at 6 and 6:30, very tempting to grab some take-out on the way home, instead dinner is in the crock-pot!

Saturday: Chicken Broccoli Wreath*, Chocolate Brownie Pudding (not quite the same recipe I used, but close enough)

Sunday: Spaghetti, Homemade Garlic Toast, Chocolate Brownie Pudding

Monday: Salsa Chicken*, Yellow Rice, Chocolate Brownie Pudding

Tuesday: Softball Tailgate Party (we are bringing 3 packs of buns, they are only $0.99 at the bread store!)

Wednesday: Hubby-Golfing, Me-Bachelorette Party

Thursday: Potatoes and Kielbasa* in crock-pot (carried over from last week)

Friday: Wedding
Need more recipe/menu inspiration? Check out Laura's Menu Planning Monday!
* = New Recipe! I've only been married 2 months and feel like we eat the same things all the time, so for the next couple weeks, I'm going to be trying some new things. Hubby and I went through cookbooks this weekend and listed recipes that we want to try and that don't call for off the wall ingredients or are super unhealthy. I had to gently break it to hubby that almost everything in my Paula Deen Cookbook is too unhealthy (I know, I love butter, mayo, cheese and bacon as much as the next person, but still...)
Stay tuned: On Friday, I'll update and let you all know how well we did this week, sticking to our plan!


Brooke said...

i was going to suggest - then i got to the part where you want them too be healthy! you might not have as much luck in that area with their recipes. :)

I look forward to checking out the rest of your blog. Hopefully you have some great wedding tips for me :D

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you and your husband on the beginning of your new life together in marriage! Your menu sounds really good!

Hope you have a wonderful week!